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SHOP Marketplace basics for employers

SHOP coverage for multiple locations & businesses

The information on this page applies to you if:
  • You operate a business with employees in more than one state
  • You operate multiple businesses in a state or in more than one state with the same employer identification number (EIN)
  • You operate multiple businesses in a state or in more than one state with different EINs

If you operate a business with employees in more than one state

You'll enroll in a Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) plan in the state where your primary business site is located.
You can offer your employees SHOP coverage 2 ways:
Option 1: Choose a single health plan for all employees. Be sure to choose a plan with a multi-state or national provider network. Offer it to all full-time employees in each business location.
  • If you choose this option, employees in all of your business locations will be counted when calculating your minimum participation rate and eligibility determination.
Option 2: Offer different SHOP plans in each state where your employees work. As long as your business meets all requirements to participate in the state's SHOP, you can offer coverage even if you have just one employee in a location. You'll still need to offer coverage to all your full-time employees in each state.
  • The employees on each location's employee roster will be counted separately when calculating your minimum participation rate.
  • You'll have to verify your eligibility for each state where you offer SHOP coverage separately.
  • If you have business locations in a state that runs its own SHOP, you can get coverage through that state's SHOP. Select the state where your business operation is located, and we'll take you to your state’s SHOP website.

If you operate multiple businesses in a state or in more than one state under the same EIN

  • You can establish only one SHOP offer per EIN in each state. Learn more about controlled group rules from the IRS.
  • When you count full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) to determine eligibility for SHOP, you must include FTEs from all your businesses.

If you operate multiple businesses in a state or in more than one state with different EINs

  • You must create unique SHOP offers for each EIN. Controlled group rules apply when establishing the FTE count for your businesses — whether your businesses are all in one state or in multiple states.
  • For each business with its own EIN, you’ll need to:
    • Meet SHOP eligibility criteria independently
    • Count all the FTEs in all your businesses using controlled group rules
    • Create separate SHOP coverage offers
  • If you have remote employees, you can use your primary business address for all your remote employees, or use each of the locations where your remote employees work as a separate business location. 

What do you want to do next?

If you need help or have questions, contact the SHOP Call Center at 1-800-706-7893 (TTY: 1-888-201-6445).